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volume 2 number 1 1997 TipSheet

Welcome to the New Years issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet. This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll continue a series of tips for the Windows 95 Explorer, the best and worst of File Managers.

Tip 49   Getting to a specific drive/directory Category:   Explorer

To get to a specific drive/directory without drilling down with the mouse, select Tools | GoTo (or press <CTRL><G>), and type the desired path.

Tip 50   Moving up one level Category:   Explorer

To move up one level in Explorer, press <BACKSPACE>.

Tip 51   Checking available drive space Category:   Explorer

To see how much space is available and used on each logical drive on your system, click on the Computer name just below Desktop in the left pane. The right pane will list all of the logical drives with total size and free space.

Tip 52   Number & size of the folders in any drive/folder Category:   Explorer

To see the number & size of the folders in any logical drive or folder, select it and then right-click on it and select Properties. Drives will show a pie chart while folders will show the number and size of files and folders.

Tip 53   Selecting a file Category:   Explorer

Most of the following tips assume that the Explorer window highlight is in the right window pane. To get the window highlight there, either press <TAB>, or left click anywhere in the pane.

To select a file or folder, press the first letter of what you want, or use the cursor keys.

Tip 54   Selecting all items Category:   Explorer

To select all items in the window, press <CTRL><A>.

Tip 55   Selecting multiple contiguous items Category:   Explorer

To select multiple contiguous items, hold the <SHIFT> key, and use the cursor keys.

Tip 56   Selecting multiple non-contiguous items Category:   Explorer

To select multiple non-contiguous items, hold <CTRL>, use the cursor keys, press <SPACE> to select/deselect.

Tip 57   Delete selected items Category:   Explorer

To delete the selected item(s) and place them in the Recycle bin, press <DELETE>.To delete the selected item(s) without placing them in the Recycle bin, press <SHIFT><DELETE>.

Tip 58   Viewing the shortcut menu for a selected item Category:   Explorer

To see the shortcut menu for a selected item, <SHIFT><F10>, or right click on it.

Tip 59   Viewing the properties of the selected item Category:   Explorer

To open the properties sheet for the selected item, <ALT><ENTER>.

Tip 60   Opening a file into a non-default application Category:   Explorer

To open a file into an application other than the one normally associated with it, hold down <SHIFT> as you right click it, then choose OpenWith.., and then select the desired application. If it's not listed, click Other to browse.

Tip 61   Selecting all files but one in a folder Category:   Explorer

Want to select every file in a folder but one? Or every one but two or three? Windows 95's Invert Selection command takes the tedium out of file selection. With a folder window open, select the file(s) you don't want, then pull down the Edit command and choose Invert Selection. When you let go, everything that wasn't selected now is, and the files (or file) you had selected are left out completely. The Invert Selection command is available in any Explorer window, too. Just select the files you don't want in the right pane, then choose Invert Selection under Edit to reverse your selection.

Copyright 1997, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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