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customer area information

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remote support

MicroMetric, Inc. offers Remote Support to it's customers. This support DOES NOT REQUIRE LOGIN at the present. Click below to begin the connection process.



Primarily designed to be part of our Managed Services offerings, we are beginning Beta Testing of MICRO_NOTES. This extension to our Line of Business Database Software was developed based on our first four months of Managed Services experience and after several focus sessions with our clients.

Notification Of Ticket Events Status is designed to provide timely information to our clients about the status of work scheduled and being performed. ....


secure customer area access request

For now, please send us an e-mail with your Account number, Company Name, your name, and your e-mail address. We will send you a return e-mail with your User Name and Password.

secure customer area

The SECURE CUSTOMER AREA consist of information from MicroMetric, that we want to share with our customers but not our competitors. It also contains customer specific data such as signed agreement and invoice and statement copies.

This Area is under the early stages of it's development, and will be expanded as we approach the beginning of next year.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts about what content you would like to see in this area, drop us a note.


secure customer area login

To login to the Customer Area, click below.