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MicroMetric Remote Backup Service (MRBS)

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MRBS is an easy and secure way to assure the integrity of your data. Do you want to make sure your digital photos are safe? What would you do if you lost your check book or accounting data and it was gone for ever? Could your business survive if you lost all of you customer information? MRBS is a good way to make sure bad things don't happen to your data.

Try it FREE for a month and if you are not completely satisfied you can stop using the Micrometric Remote Backup Service and pay nothing. To Get started click here to install your 30 Day free trial!

Benefits of Micrometric Remote backup service

  • MRBS does not require user intervention. The user does not have to change tapes, label CDs, or perform other manual steps
  • You do not need to change backup media on a daily basis. No more missed backups because someone forgot to change the tape.
  • MRBS maintains a copy of your data offsite. Perhaps the most important aspect of this type of backup is that backups are stored in a different location from the original data. Traditional backup requires manually taking the backup media offsite.
  • All backups are encrypted at the source and your data can only be read with your own password. Even MicroMetric cannot read your data. Online backup solutions, like that from MicroMetric, are now acknowledged to be the most secure way to backup your data.
  • MRBS will backup and maintain different versions of your files.
  • MRBS allows you to have full file, and directory selection of what is backed up
  • MRBS uses 128-bit encryption and sends shrinked data packages via a secture internet connection.
  • No daily maintenance
  • Daily notification e-mail including a full backup report
  • 1Mb to Terabyte’s of data can be backed up daily
  • Assurance of knowing that the backup is done every day
  • MRBS has the following fetures:
    • Includes open file support
    • Backup databases on the fly
    • Backup Exchange
    • System State and Active Directory
  • Easy to restore data from the backup software
  • No setup fees
  • MRBS can be used to backup your data for as low as $10 per month
MicroMetric Remote Backup Service Pricing 
Service Level Price/Month Storage Space, GB
5-A $10. 1
5-B $16.
5- C $26. 10 
5-D $34. 15
5-E $42. 20
5-F $62. 30 
5-G $83. 40 
5-H $104. 50 
5-I $125. 60 
5-J $146. 70
5-K $166. 80 
5-L $187. 90 
5-M $208. 100 

There is no better Remote product on the market. Try it today - RISK FREE for 30 days. At the end of that period, if you are not satisfied, you will not be billed for your MRBS usage.

Start using Micrometric Remote Backup Service today. To start the installation of your 30 Day free trial click here!   If you need help please call 941.377.2515