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synopsis key word in context [kwic] TipSheet index

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The MicroMetric TipSheets have each been assigned a single synopsis, hopefully descriptive but sometimes more catchy. The words within these synopsis have been summarized below. Please note that this assignment has been quite arbitrary, and in the cases of a complex Tip may cover several subjects, and the wrong synopsis (for your purposes) may have been chosen. If you can't find a Tip with these key words from the synopsis, please try the general site search at the bottom of this page.

For example, if the index below is "access [10]" it means that the word "access" is contained in the Synopsis for ten(10) different TipSheets. Clicking on the Index will display a list of the 10 Tips that contain the word "access".
[38] - [69] ---- [1] [ctrl]Y2K-[x]-[v] [1] [f2] [1]
1 [3] 10 [1] 12 [1] 123s [1] 13 [1]
2 [5] 2000 [1] 2000-style [1] 2000-xp [1] 2003 [1]
2007 [1] 2008 [1] 2009 [1] 20th [1] 25 [1]
25% [1] 3 [1] 30 [1] 3d [5] 3x [2]
4 [3] 40 [4] 502 [1] 70s [1] 95 [13]
96 [1] 97 [1] 98 [10] 98- [7] a [239]
a-b-c [1] abcs [1] about [3] access [10] accessibility [3]
accessible [1] accessing [4] account [2] accounts [1] achieve [1]
acronyms [2] act [1] acting [3] action [1] activating [1]
activation [1] active [5] add [14] adding [10] additional [2]
additions [6] add-remove [3] address [20] addresses [3] addressing [1]
adjust [1] adjusting [1] administrator [1] ads [2] advice [1]
after [2] again [9] aggravation [1] ahead [1] aim [1]
aint [1] alert [3] alerts [1] alike [1] all [42]
all-cap [1] along [1] already [4] alternate [2] alt-ernate [1]
alternatives [2] alt-esc [1] alt-tab [3] always [7] am [2]
an [18] and [99] animate [1] animated [3] animation [3]
animations [1] annoying [1] another [8] anti [1] anxiety [1]
any [7] anyone [1] anytime [1] anyway [2] anywhere [1]
aol [2] appear [1] appearance [1] application [7] applications [7]
apply [1] apps [3] archive [2] are [11] area [1]
around [5] arrage [2] arrange [1] arrange-line [1] arrangements [1]
arrow [2] art [1] artist [1] artwork [1] as [11]
ask [2] assigning [1] assistant [1] association [1] associations [1]
asterisk [1] at [16] atapi [1] atomic [1] attach [2]
attached [1] attaching [1] attachment [2] attachments [4] attention [1]
attributes [1] audio [2] authentication [1] authority [1] auto [6]
autocomplete [1] auto-complete [1] automate [1] automatic [4] automatically [1]
autoplay [1] available [2] average [2] avoid [3] away [3]
aw-right-y [1] b [2] back [16] background [1] backgrounds [2]
backing [2] backup [20] backups [12] backward [1] bacon [1]
bad [1] baggage [1] balloon [1] baloon [1] bang [1]
banner [1] bar [13] bare [2] bars [2] basics [2]
basis [2] batman [1] batteries [1] battery [1] bcc [1]
be [16] bears [1] beats [1] beautiful [1] because [2]
bee [1] beef [2] been [3] beep [1] beep-beep [1]
before [1] begin [2] beginning [1] behavior [1] behind [1]
bells [1] best [1] better [8] between [1] beware- [1]
big [10] bigger [3] biggest [1] bin [9] bios [3]
bird [1] bit [1] bite [1] bites [1] bitmap [1]
bitmaps [2] black [3] blame [1] blank [1] blue [1]
blues [1] blunders [1] -b-micro [1] bmp [1] -bmps [1]
bogged [1] bon [1] bonus [1] book [10] bookmarking [1]
boost [1] boot [8] booth [1] booting [4] boots [1]
bootup [1] boss [1] both [1] bother [2] bottom [1]
box [11] boys [2] break [1] bridging [1] briefcase [5]
briefcases [1] bring [1] broken [1] browse [1] browser [2]
browsers [1] browsing [3] buck [1] bucket [1] buckle [1]
bud [1] buddy [1] bugs [1] build [1] builder [1]
builders [1] bunch [1] buried [1] burn-in [1] business [6]
business-scams [1] busters [1] busy [1] but [12] button [12]
buttons [3] buy [2] by [14] bye-bye [1] bypass [1]
bytes [3] c [1] c-- [1] cab [2] cabs [2]
cache [4] calculation [1] calculator [2] calendar [1] call [7]
calligraphy [1] came [1] can [19] cancel [1] cant [3]
caps [1] caption [1] card [5] card- [1] cards [4]
case [5] case-sensitive [1] catalog [1] cause [2] caution- [1]
cc [1] cd [14] cd-rom [3] cd-rw [2] cds [1]
center [1] central [1] century [1] change [20] changes [8]
changing [10] channel [1] character [2] characters [1] charge [1]
cheap [2] cheat [1] check [6] checker [2] checkers [1]
checking [4] cheers [1] choice [3] choices [1] choose [6]
choosing [1] chubby [1] classic [1] clean [5] cleaner [1]
cleaning [2] cleanup [3] clear [6] clearing [3] clear-out [2]
click [9] clicking [2] clicks [1] client [1] clip [2]
clipboard [6] clipbook [1] clipmate [1] clippings [1] clip-pings [1]
clips [1] cliptray [3] clock [4] close [2] closed [1]
closer [1] clouds [1] cloudy [1] clp-ings [1] cluster [1]
clutter [2] cmon [1] cmos [1] coat [1] code [2]
coffee [1] collage [1] collapse [1] color [11] colorful [1]
colors [4] column [6] columns [3] colums [1] comcast [3]
come [5] command [14] commands [4] commitment [1] compactor [1]
compare [1] compatibility [1] compatible [1] complete [1] completely [1]
compliance [1] components [2] compress [1] compressed [2] compressing [1]
computer [19] computers [1] configuration [4] confirmation [1] confused [1]
connect [5] connected [1] connection [10] connectivity [1] conquer [1]
consequences [1] consider [1] considerations [4] consolidating [1] consumption [1]
contents [6] context [1] contiguous [1] control [11] controller [1]
controlling [1] controls [1] converting [1] cookie [1] cookies [1]
cool [4] copper [1] copy [16] copy-cut-paste [1] copying [1]
copy-move [1] correct [1] corrected [1] could [1] counts [3]
cover [2] coverage [1] covering [1] crayons [1] create [11]
creating [1] credit [1] critical [1] crossing [1] cross-post [1]
cruise [1] crumbles [1] ctrl [2] ctrl-alt-e [1] cure [1]
current [1] cursor [3] custom [4] customers [1] customize [5]
customized [1] customizing [3] cut [9] cute [1] cutoff [1]
d [1] damage [1] dammed [1] darn [1] data [7]
database [1] databases [1] date [5] dates [1] david [1]
day [5] day- [1] daylight [1] deactivate [1] dead [1]
deal [1] decision [1] decorating [1] dee [1] default [10]
defination [1] definations [3] defining [1] definition [1] definitions [8]
defrag [2] defragment [2] defragmenter [1] degrees [1] delay [3]
delete [12] deleted [5] deleting [1] deletions [1] delivered [1]
delivery [3] deluxe [2] demise [1] depth [1] description [2]
deselecting [1] deserve [1] deserved [1] deskmenu [1] desktop [63]
desktops [1] desktop-windows [1] destroy [1] detaching [1] details [5]
determine [1] developing [1] developments [1] device [1] devices [2]
diagnosis [1] diagnostics [1] dial [3] dialer [1] dialing [2]
dialog [5] dial-up [6] dial-ups [1] diary [1] dice [1]
dictionary [1] did [5] difference [1] different [4] differential [2]
diggity [1] digital [1] ding [1] direct [4] directly [2]
directories [1] directory [2] disable [3] disabling [2] disadvantages [1]
disappear [1] disappearing [2] disaster [2] disconnect [1] disconnected [2]
disconnecting [1] disk [22] diskettes [1] disks [3] disorder [1]
display [6] displaying [2] distances [1] ditch [2] divert [1]
dj [1] dll [2] dma [1] do [19] dock [1]
docking [3] doctor [1] document [8] documents [3] does [4]
doesnt [2] dog [1] dont [24] do-over [1] dos [13]
doskey [3] dot [1] double [4] double-click [3] double-clicks [1]
double-paned [2] double-takes [1] down [11] download [4] downloaded [4]
downloading [2] downside [1] downtime [1] dr [1] drafty [1]
drag [11] dragging [2] drag-n-drop [1] drain [1] draw [1]
dress [1] dress-up [1] drive [14] drive-directory [1] drive-folder [1]
driver [1] drivers [5] drives [6] drop [6] drop-down [1]
dropouts [1] dual [2] dualing [1] dual-wan [1] dude [1]
duh [1] dun [4] duns [1] during [1] dust [1]
dynamics [1] ease [1] easier [4] easily [2] easter [2]
easy [7] eating [2] edge [1] edge-to-edge [1] edit [2]
editing [1] edition [3] editor [4] effectively [1] efficient [1]
effort [1] egg [2] elastic-waist [1] elements [1] elephant [1]
eliminate [4] eliminating [1] else [1] elses [1] em [3]
email [4] e-mail [12] e-mails [1] emergency [1] empty [4]
emptying [1] enable [1] enabling [1] enchilada [1] end [4]
engine [1] engines [2] enjoy [1] enlarge [1] enough [1]
en-script-ed [1] enter [2] entering [3] entertainment [1] entire [1]
entirely [1] entries [4] er [2] eraser [1] error [2]
errors [1] escaping [1] essentials [1] e-thing [2] eudcedit [1]
even [1] event [2] event-ually [1] every [4] everybody [1]
everyone [5] exact [1] excellence [1] excess [2] exchange [1]
exiting [1] expand [1] expanded [1] expansion [1] experience [2]
explore [2] explorer [32] explorers [3] exploring [1] express [9]
extend [1] extension [1] extensions [2] external [1] extra [1]
extras [1] eye [1] eyes [2] ez-notes [1] f11 [1]
f3 [2] f5 [1] f5- [1] f6 [1] faces [1]
facts [1] failing [1] fairest [1] fall [1] fancier [1]
fancy-free [1] far [1] farewell [1] fast [11] faster [6]
fastest [1] fast-motion [1] fatal [1] father [1] fatten [1]
fat-ter [1] faults [1] favorite [11] favorites [16] favorites-b-gone [1]
favors [1] fax [1] faxes [1] fay [1] feature [3]
features [10] feeds [1] fee-free [1] feeling [1] fifth [1]
figures [1] file [36] file--quick [1] files [49] files-engine [1]
files-folders [1] files--the [1] fill [1] find [21] finders [1]
finding [7] find-ings [1] fingers [1] finished [2] fins [1]
firewall [1] firewalls [2] firewire [1] first [3] fishwrap [1]
fit [1] fits [2] fix [2] fixing [1] fixture [1]
flash [2] flat [2] flexibility [1] flexible [1] flexicd [1]
fling [1] floppies [2] floppy [5] flowers [2] fluffy [2]
flush [1] foc [1] focus [2] folder [29] folder-drive [1]
folder-naming [1] folders [11] follow [1] follow-up [1] font [6]
font-ing [1] fonts [1] fonts-at-a-glance [1] font-sy [1] footloose [1]
for [93] force [1] foreign [1] forever [2] forget [2]
forget-me-not [1] forgot [1] forgotten [1] form [1] format [1]
formatting [3] forming [1] forward [2] forward--theyre [1] found [5]
fracas [1] fragments [1] frame [1] framed [1] frames [1]
freakin [1] free [11] freebies [1] frequently [1] fresh [3]
friendly [2] friends [2] frills [2] from [47] front [1]
frontpage [1] froogle [1] ftp [3] full [2] full-length [1]
fullscreen [1] full-screen [1] fully [2] function [2] function-ality [1]
funny [2] furniture [1] future [1] gain [1] game [1]
games [3] gangs [1] genius [1] get [35] getcher [1]
getting [10] gif-fer [1] gifs [2] gift [1] give [4]
giveaway [1] given [1] global [1] globally [1] go [15]
goes [3] goin [1] going [1] gone [3] gonna [1]
good [7] goodbye [1] good-bye [2] google [2] googlescout [1]
gopher [1] got [4] gotta [1] government [1] grandfather [1]
graphics [7] graphics-designate [1] grayed-out [1] great [1] green [1]
groome [1] group [5] groupie [1] groups [2] growing [1]
guess [1] guide [1] guys [1] half [2] hand [2]
hand-in-hand [1] hand-written [1] handy [1] hangs [1] happened [2]
happening [1] happy [1] hard [15] hardware [6] has [3]
have [17] having [1] haystack [1] he [2] head [2]
header [2] headers [2] headlines [1] heap [1] hear [1]
heart [1] help [12] helps [1] here [14] heres [1]
hey [5] hidden [5] hide [5] hiding [2] high [1]
highlight [2] highlighted [2] highlighter [3] highly [1] hint [1]
historical [1] history [13] hit [3] hits [2] hold [3]
holes [1] holy [1] home [7] -home [1] homespun [1]
hop [1] hope [1] hosts [1] hot [6] household [1]
housewarming [1] hover [2] how [22] html [2] hugs [1]
hurricane [2] hyper [1] hypersnap [1] i [28] iac [1]
icon [30] icon-free [1] icons [27] ide [1] idx [1]
ie [5] ie5 [1] if [7] ill [1] illegal [1]
im [2] image [2] images [2] imagine [1] imap [1]
important [1] improve [1] improved [3] in [75] inactive [1]
in-active [1] inaudible [1] inbox [4] inc [1] incredible [1]
incremental [1] indetification [1] index [1] indexing [1] individual [2]
info [4] information [3] input [1] insecure [1] insert [1]
insertion [1] install [7] installation [1] installations [1] installing [4]
instant [1] instead [1] instructions [2] international [1] internet [27]
into [3] intro [1] introduction [1] invalid [1] inventory [1]
invoke [1] ip [3] ir [1] is [38] isnt [1]
isp [2] issues [1] it [67] item [9] items [12]
its [20] itself [1] ive [1] jack [1] jammin [1]
java [1] job [1] joe [1] joined [1] joining [1]
journey [1] jumpin [1] jumpy [1] junk [1] juno [2]
just [9] keep [15] keepers [1] keeping [5] keeps [1]
kernel [1] kevin [1] key [17] keyboard [21] keys [11]
keystrokes [1] kids [1] kind [1] kit [4] knock [1]
know [10] knowledge [1] labeling [1] lan [2] lance [1]
land [1] language [4] lans [1] laptop [1] laptops [1]
large [2] last [3] last-second [1] lately [1] later [2]
latest [4] launch [14] launching [3] lazybones [1] leader [1]
leave [1] left [2] left-handers [1] less [4] let [7]
lets [1] letter [3] letters [4] level [2] licenses [1]
licks [1] life [3] lightening [1] like [6] limit [2]
line [3] lines [1] line-up [1] lingering [1] link [2]
linkalot [1] linkmenu [1] links [11] list [26] listen [3]
listeners [1] listening [2] listing [1] listings [1] list-removing [1]
lists [1] little [8] live [2] living [1] load [1]
loading [1] local [7] locate [1] locating [2] location [1]
lock [1] lock-num [1] lock-up [1] lock-ups [1] log [3]
logical [2] login [1] log-in [1] logo [4] logon [2]
logos [1] logs [1] loitering [1] long [6] long-term [1]
long-winded [1] look [2] looking [5] looks [3] lose [5]
lost [6] lot [2] lotta [1] love [3] lovers [2]
low [1] luke [1] macro [2] made [3] maestro [2]
magic [1] mail [28] mailbox [2] mailed [1] mailing [1]
maintenance [7] make [24] makeover [3] makeovers [1] makes [2]
making [14] manage [1] management [4] manager [4] mangled [1]
manners [1] manual [1] many [8] map [2] marking [1]
marks [1] master [1] match [1] matching [1] math [1]
matters [1] max [1] maximize [1] maximized [1] maximizing [1]
maximum [5] maxthon [1] may [1] maybe [1] mcafee [1]
me [20] mean [1] meaningful [1] mechanics [1] media [3]
medis [1] meet [1] meeting [1] meets [1] memories [2]
memory [6] mentioned [1] menu [46] menus [2] message [3]
messages [17] met [1] method [6] methods [2] micrometric [3]
microsoft [8] middle [1] midi [1] millennium [1] mind [3]
mine [3] minimal [1] minimize [4] minimizing [1] minute [3]
missed [1] misses [1] missing [5] mission [1] mistake [1]
mix [3] mobile [2] mode [5] modem [3] moderation [1]
modify [1] modifying [1] monitor [2] monitors [1] monogram [1]
months [1] more [26] most [1] mouse [11] mouse-ing [1]
mouseless [1] mouse-less [1] move [5] movie [1] movies [2]
moving [6] mr [1] ms-dos [2] mtu [1] much [5]
multicolor [1] multi-file [1] multimedia [1] multi-monitor [1] multiple [16]
music [3] must-have [1] muzzle [1] my [34] n [1]
nags [1] name [16] nameless [1] names [5] narrow [1]
navigate [1] navigation [3] necessary [1] necessities [1] need [7]
needs [7] need-to-know [1] negative [2] neighborhood [2] net [3]
netbeui [1] netscape [1] network [10] networking [4] networks [1]
never [1] new [28] news [15] newsgroup [2] newsgroups [4]
next [1] nice [1] nice--a [1] niche [1] night [1]
nirvana [1] nix [1] no [14] no-cloud [1] no-hands [1]
no-name [3] non-audio [1] non-contiguous [1] non-default [1] no-password [2]
no-see-em [1] not [23] notepad [8] notes [1] notes--b- [1]
nothing [1] notification [1] not-so-exact [1] not-so-secret [1] not-so-stupid [1]
novell [1] november [1] now [12] nt [1] number [3]
numbered [1] numbers- [1] nutshell [1] o [1] oddities [1]
oe-less [1] oem [1] of [72] off [18] office [2]
offline [2] off-line [2] off-site [1] often [1] oh [9]
oh-oh-oh [1] oil [1] ok [1] ol [1] old [10]
older [3] on [61] once [1] one [32] one-click [2]
ones [1] one-time [1] online [5] only [2] on-off [1]
open [11] open-door [1] opening [3] operation [2] operations [1]
opportunity [2] optimize [4] option [2] optional [1] options [8]
or [20] order [2] organize [3] orientation [1] other [2]
out [31] out--and [1] outbox [1] outlook [3] out-of-focus [1]
out-of-place [2] outta [1] over [8] overhead [1] overruled [1]
overview [2] own [13] ownership [1] p [1] pack [3]
page [17] pages [5] paginate [1] paging [1] paint [1]
paintbrush [1] paintexe [1] paints [1] pal [1] palette [2]
palette--quick [1] palettes [3] pane [5] panel [3] panes [1]
panes-right [1] paper [1] par [1] part [3] particular [1]
partition [1] partitioning [1] pasport [1] pass [4] password [13]
passwords [2] past [2] paste [5] pasting [1] pattern [2]
pattern-ize [1] pc [4] peeks [2] peep [1] people [1]
percent [1] perfect [2] performance [3] peripherals [1] permanent [1]
personal [1] personalities [2] personality [1] personalize [1] phone [2]
phrase [1] phrases [1] pick [5] picking [1] picture [10]
pictures [4] pie [1] pinball [3] pitfalls [2] place [3]
places [3] plain [2] plane [1] planning [1] play [9]
player [5] playing [4] plays [1] please [8] please--for [1]
pleasure [4] plug [3] plus [9] pluses [1] point [1]
point-and-click [1] pointers [1] policy [3] pop [2] pop-ups [2]
porsche [1] ports [1] posted [1] posting [1] postman [1]
pounds [1] pow [1] power [6] powertoys [17] practice [1]
prefetch [1] prepare [1] preparedness [2] present [1] press [3]
presses [1] presto [1] pretty [1] prevent [2] preview [6]
previews [2] previously [2] price [1] print [17] printer [8]
printers [2] printing [15] printout [2] priorities [1] priority [1]
privacy [1] private [2] pro [1] problem [6] problems [8]
process [1] product [1] professional [1] program [5] programs [10]
project [1] prompt [5] proofs [1] properly [1] properties [9]
property [1] protect [4] protecting [1] protocol [1] ptfb [1]
push [1] put [10] qs [1] questions [4] queue [3]
quick [27] quickest [1] quickie [1] quickly [1] quickres [1]
quick-start [1] quit [2] quite [1] quote [2] rain [1]
rainbow [1] rate [3] rates [2] reactivate [1] read [4]
ready [5] real [1] really [2] real-mode [1] rearranging [1]
reason [1] reboot [1] rebuild [1] receiving [1] recent [2]
recharging [1] recipients [3] recognize [1] recommended [1] reconsider [1]
record [1] recover [1] recycle [9] recycles [2] recycling [1]
redial [1] reduce [4] reference [1] refresh [2] refresher [1]
refresh-update [1] -reg [1] registry [14] regular [3] reinstall [1]
reinstalling [1] release [1] reliable [1] relief [1] relocation [1]
remember [1] remembers [2] remote [2] removable [1] removal [2]
remove [10] removes [1] removing [5] rename [4] render [1]
re-org [1] repair [1] repeats [1] repellant [1] reply [1]
report [2] reporting [1] represent [1] request [1] required [1]
rescue [1] residential [1] resize [1] resizing [1] resolution [4]
resolutions [1] resource [4] resource-ful [1] resources [3] responsible [1]
restart [3] restarting [2] restarts [1] restoration [1] restore [6]
restoring [1] restricted [1] restricts [1] retool [1] return [1]
reveals [1] revisited [1] rhythms [2] rid [3] right [13]
right-click [4] right-mouse [1] rise [1] rj45 [1] roll [2]
rom [4] room [3] root [1] rope [1] rot [1]
rotate [1] roulette [1] route [4] routers [1] routes [1]
routine [2] rules [2] run [9] running [3] run-ning [2]
safe [4] safely [1] safety [2] said [1] same [3]
sampler [3] sand [1] sandra [1] save [6] saved [2]
saver [6] savers [7] saving [9] savings [1] say [3]
scandisk [2] scanning [1] scanreg [1] scene [1] schedule [2]
scheduler [2] scheme [3] schemes [3] schmisk [1] school [1]
science [2] scientific [1] screen [19] screens [1] screens-themes [1]
scroll [1] scrollbars [1] scrolling [1] se [1] sealed [1]
search [13] searcher [1] searches [1] searching [5] second [4]
secret [1] secure [3] security [4] see [8] seek [4]
seize [1] select [5] selected [4] selecting [7] selections [2]
selective [1] sell [1] send [23] sendin [1] sending [3]
sends [1] sensitivity [1] sent [3] separate [1] serve [1]
server [2] servers [1] service [5] services [2] sesame [1]
sessions [1] set [6] sets [1] setting [7] settings [4]
settle [1] setup [1] several [1] shall [3] share [2]
shared [1] sharing [3] sharing- [1] sharper [1] sharpkeys [1]
shave [1] sheet [1] sheets [1] shift [1] shift-y [2]
shine [2] shoe [1] shoo [1] short [2] shortcut [30]
shortcuts [16] shorten [2] should [3] shouldnt [1] show [9]
showing [1] shut [3] shutdown [3] shutdowns [2] side [3]
side-by-side [1] sig [1] sight [3] signals [1] signature [3]
signatures [1] signed [1] signs [1] silence [4] simple [3]
simplifi [1] sincerely [1] sing [3] single [4] single- [1]
site [3] sites [5] sites-internet [1] six [1] size [11]
sizes [1] sizing [1] skip [1] slash [4] slice [1]
slow [2] slowed [1] small [3] smart [1] smooth [2]
sneak [3] snip [1] snoop [1] snoopers [1] so [3]
software [7] solitaire [3] some [5] someone [3] something [1]
somewhere [3] son [1] song [1] soon [1] sort [7]
sorting [2] sound [12] sounds [8] source [3] southpaws [1]
space [8] spam [1] speak [1] speaker [5] speaking [2]
speaks [1] special [4] specials [1] specific [1] speed [9]
speeding [2] spell [4] spelling [1] spit [2] split [1]
splitsville [1] spoil [1] spooling [1] spring [1] spy [1]
spybot [1] squeeze [2] stand [1] stand-alone [2] standard [1]
start [40] started--editing [1] starting [3] starts [1] start-smart [1]
startup [14] start-up [1] startup-less [1] startups [1] stationery [2]
status [3] stay [3] steal [1] stealth [1] stereo [1]
stick [1] sticky [2] still [4] stop [5] stopping [3]
stops [2] stopwatch [1] storage [2] store [2] story [1]
straight [1] straighten [1] strategy [1] streaching [1] streamline [1]
s-t-r-e-t-c-h [1] strikes [1] strip [1] stripped-down [1] strokes [1]
stubborn [2] stuck [2] stuff [1] stunning [1] style [1]
subfolder [2] submenu [1] subs [1] subscribe [3] succeed [1]
summary [1] sunny [1] support [2] suppress [1] sure [2]
surf [1] surfing [3] swap [2] sweepin [1] sweet [2]
switch [4] switcheroo [1] switch-hitting [1] switching [4] system [15]
systems [3] tabs [1] tab-ulatin [2] take [11] takes [4]
taking [1] talks [1] tame [1] tape [7] tapes [2]
tardis [1] target [3] task [8] taskbar [17] tasks [3]
team [1] telephone [1] tell [2] temp [1] template [1]
templets [1] temporary [1] temps [1] ten-digit [1] tension [1]
testing [2] text [10] text-based [1] text-highlighting [1] textviewer [2]
than [12] thank [1] that [38] thats [8] the [328]
thee [2] their [3] them [9] theme [2] themes [10]
then [1] therapy [1] there [15] theres [7] these [1]
they [4] theyve [1] thing [3] thing- [1] things [4]
thinking [1] third-party [1] this [16] those [14] thousand [2]
thread [2] threads [1] three [4] through [3] thumbnails [2]
tie [1] time [19] timely [1] times [2] timestamping [1]
tip [3] tip- [1] tips [3] tired [1] tis [1]
title [3] titles [1] tmp [1] to [189] today [1]
toes [1] together [3] togglekeys [2] told [1] too [16]
too-fast [1] tool [4] toolbar [13] toolbars [4] toolkit [1]
top [4] topic [1] toss [1] total [1] touch [1]
toys [1] tracing [2] track [2] tracks [3] trail [1]
trails [1] trap [1] trash [8] travel [3] tray [4]
treasure [1] tree [1] trick [3] tricks [5] triple [1]
trouble [3] troubleshooting [4] true [1] truely [1] try [3]
tune [1] turn [4] turned [1] turning [3] turns [1]
tv [2] tweak [22] tweaki [1] twice [1] two [10]
two-paned [1] type [4] typed [1] types [4] typing [4]
uac [1] ui [3] ui- [1] um [1] unbinding [1]
unbusy [1] uncover [1] under [1] underlining [1] undo [2]
uninstall [1] unknown [1] un-making [1] unpublished [1] unreliable [1]
unscrambling [1] unwanted [3] unwelcome [1] un-welcome [1] up [46]
up-and-up [1] update [2] updated [1] updating [1] upgrade [2]
up-to-date [2] url [7] urls [3] us [2] usage [3]
usb [1] use [30] used [2] useful [1] useless [2]
user [5] users [5] uset [1] using [31] utilities [4]
utility [6] vacation [1] vache [1] variations [1] variety [1]
various [1] veni [1] version [1] vertigo [1] very [1]
via [1] video [1] videos [1] vidi [1] view [18]
viewer [1] viewing [8] viewpoint [1] views [1] vinegar [1]
virginia [1] virtually [2] virus [1] virusscan [1] visible [3]
visiting [1] vista [6] vista- [1] vistas [1] visual [2]
voices [1] volcanoes [1] voyage [1] vs [5] wack [1]
wait [2] walking [1] wallpaper [14] wallpaper-screen [1] wannabes [1]
want [15] wants [1] warning [2] was [2] watch [1]
wave [1] way [16] ways [2] we [3] weather [1]
web [19] weeding [1] weeds [1] week [1] weeks [1]
welcome [4] well [2] were [1] werent [1] west [2]
what [22] whatever [1] whatll [2] whats [11] when [18]
where [17] whered [3] wheres [2] which [4] while [6]
white [2] who [15] whoa [1] whole [4] whom [1]
whos [2] whose [1] why [7] wide [1] widest [1]
width [1] wi-fi [1] wild [1] will [9] willya [1]
wilma [1] win [4] win95 [1] win98 [1] window [25]
windows [76] wings [1] winpopup [3] wire [1] wireless [1]
wiring [1] with [74] within [1] without [14] wizard [2]
wizardry [1] wizzes [1] wolf [1] wont [5] word [4]
wordpad [3] words [2] work [7] working [3] works [1]
workshop [1] world [2] worth [2] would [2] wrap [3]
writable [1] write [2] writing [1] wrong [2] www [1]
x [1] xcopy32 [1] xmouse [1] xp [6] xpections [1]
xplorer2 [1] xps [1] y2k [5] ya [4] yank [1]
ycopy [1] ye [1] yeah [1] yellow [2] yes [1]
yesterdays [2] yet [3] yokels [1] you [72] youd [1]
youll [2] your [173] youre [4] yours [1] yourself [2]
youve [1] zap [1] zen [1] zero [1] zip [1]
zippier [1] zo [1] zone [1]