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Your business server is the crux of your business. Without proper maintenance, something seemingly harmless can put your business down for hours or even days. (See right sidebar)

There are five Service Levels available for Server Management:
Server Management Pricing
Service Level Services Included
1 Remote Monitoring
2 All of Level 1
Patch Management for the Operating System, Anti-Virus, Backup Software
3 All of Level 2
Monthly Server Maintenance
4 All of Level 3
Help Desk Phone and Remote Diagnostic Support
5 All of Level 4
Managed Task Labor, On and Off Site
Service Electives Services Included
UPS Replace batteries or UPS as needed
LOB Add support for Line of Business (LOB) Software, defined below. (Requires acceptance of Level 5 or higher service)
SBS Increase Server Management for Small Business Server Components
EXG Increase Server Management for Exchange Server Components
ISA Increase Server Management for Internet Security and Acceleration Server Components
Terminal Services Increase Server Management for Terminal Services Components
SQL Increase Server Management for SQL Server Components
Backup Monitor Add daily backup monitoring with fix/notify of problems
Server OS U/G Labor required to upgrade OS
Server HW Rep. Labor required to upgrade hardware
NAS Decrease Server Management for Network Attached Storage Server Components


All Server Management Services Features are included in the Table below
Description Frequency 1 2 3 4 5
Ensure that all server services are running Daily/Hourly X X X X X
Monitor hard drive free space on servers Daily/Hourly X X X X X
Monthly reports of work accomplished, work in progress, etc. Monthly X X X X X
System monitoring
-Alert office manager to dangerous conditions
-Memory running low
-Hard drive showing sign of failure
-Hard drive running out of disk space
-Controllers losing interrupts
-Network Cards report unusual collision activity
Continuous X X X X X
Install Anti-Virus Patches As Needed X X X X
Install Backup Patches As Needed X X X X
Install Microsoft Service Packs, Patches and Hot-fixes current as per company policy Daily X X X X
Reboot servers if needed As Needed X X X X
Backup and Document Group polices Monthly X X X
Backup event log files Monthly X X X
Backup ISA Settings Monthly X X X
Backup SBS Client Licensing Monthly X X X
Backup SQL settings Monthly X X X
Backup SSL Certificates Monthly X X X
Check event log of every server and identify any potential issues Daily/Hourly X X X
Confirm that anti-virus virus definition auto updates have occurred As Needed X X X
Document network settings Monthly X X X
Document software and hardware changes As Performed X X X
Review User Accounts Monthly X X X
Run defrag and chkdsk on all drives Monthly / As Needed X X X
Scheduled off time server maintenance As Needed X X X
Test file restore Monthly X X X
Help Desk Phone Support:
Supported Applications include:
- Windows Server 2000 and higher
- Windows SBS 2000 and higher
As Needed *3 X X
Clean and prune directory structure, keep efficient and active Monthly X
Create new directories, shares and security groups, new accounts, disable/delete old accounts, manage account policies As Needed X
Determine logical directory structure, Implement, MAP, and detail Revisit Monthly X
Educate and correct user errors (deleted files, corrupted files, etc.) As Needed X
Exchange server management As Needed X
Exchange user/mailbox management As Needed X
Install Anti-Virus Version Upgrades As Needed X
Install Backup Version Upgrades As Needed X
Monitor active directory replication As Needed X
Monitor for unusual activity among users Ongoing X
Monitor WINS replication As Needed X
Overall application disk space management As Needed X
Permissions and file system management As Needed X
Repair Server hardware problems As Needed X
Restore Files as needed As Needed X
Set up and change security for users and applications As Needed X
Set up and maintain groups (accounting, admin, printers, sales, warehouse, etc) As Needed X
Set up and Maintain Users As Needed X
Set up new users including login restrictions, passwords, security, applications As Needed X
Setup and maintain Group polices As Needed X
Setup and maintain needed scripts As Needed X
SQL server management As Needed X
Test Full System restore *2 Yearly X
Confirm that backup has been performed on a daily basis Daily *1
Full Server Hardware Replacement As Needed
Install Microsoft OS Version Upgrades As Needed
ISA server management As Needed